One of the things 4-H is known for is offering competitive events. In the past few months, Extension specialists and agents have had to get real creative in how we can still offer the same events while preventing the spread of COVID-19. I have to brag on my co-workers.
Rather than just canceling many activities, these professionals have moved them to an online format or offered the same events with precautions in place to keep everyone safe and healthy. I am excited to say I am in the midst of recruiting youth to participate in the following competitive events: Meat Identification and Judging, Consumer Decision Making, FCS Skillathon, Poultry Judging, and Dairy Products Judging.
Do any of those sound interesting to you? If so, visit our website at to find out more about these activities. Some of the events will be online. I’m personally really excited about the online option because it will allow youth to participate in a contest and not have to travel or miss school. Some 4-H contests are held during the school day where participants would need to miss part or all of a school day.
The online opportunity will allow more youth the opportunity to participate. Oh, and I haven’t even mentioned the best part! The best part is that participation is free. But, the benefits are great! Youth gain knowledge and life skills needed for adulthood by participating in many of the 4-H events and activities. So, what are you waiting for? Get in touch with me at 723-5141 or to learn more about joining one or more of the listed events!
By Michelle Matthews