Tentative City Hall Opening May 4 City Administrator, Jennifer Moody, announced today that City Hall will now be closed to the public for the... City of Tullahoma Extends Modified Operations Until Sunday May 3.

Tentative City Hall Opening May 4

City Administrator, Jennifer Moody, announced today that City Hall will now be closed to the public for the safety of employees and the public during the COVID-19 pandemic until Sunday, May 3, 2020. All services performed at City Hall will continue online or by phone.

“In light of Governor Lee’s extended order requiring Tennesseans to stay home and our own City Stay at Home order through the end of the month, city facilities will also remain closed,” said Moody. “We will continue to have a group of essential employees still at work to perform city services, but the building will be closed. Citizens may call or do business online.” This additional time will also allow for workers to complete the installation of new glass windows in the customer service area at City Hall.

City government meetings are being conducted virtually. Most recently, the Tullahoma Board of Mayor and Aldermen conducted business by video conference and broadcast using Facebook Live, as well as broadcasting to Charter Ch. 193 and Lighttube Ch. 6. Citizens may join in watching the next City Board meeting scheduled for Monday, April 27, at 5:30 p.m.

The City of Tullahoma departments remain open with modified schedules and are focused on maintaining the health, safety and welfare of our citizens and City team members.

Our police and fire departments continue to operate at full capacity. If you have an emergency, dial 911.

All public walk-in services or lobbies, including the lobby of the firehalls, City Hall, public works, the animal shelter and Planning and Codes are closed. The City will release more information, so please check our Facebook page or Tullahomatn.gov for future releases. The City will reassess the situation on May 4, 2020 and decide about re-opening City Hall and other facilities.

We want to encourage citizens to call in or e-mail for assistance. These changes are designed to protect the public and our staff, so please be advised of the following modified operations:

City Hall/City Recorder

Please call 455-2648 or email Rosemary Golden, City Recorder, if you need assistance.

Tullahoma Parks and Recreation

Tullahoma Parks and Recreation has closed the community centers and playgrounds. These areas contain many common surfaces that can be a source of contamination. Parks does encourage residents to enjoy the greenways and park areas, but be advised that bathrooms and picnic facilities are closed.

State parks and natural areas have advised that they remain closed.


The coronavirus pandemic is affecting small businesses in a variety of ways. From loss of business to remote work, things are changing fast during the COVID-19 outbreak and businesses are being forced to adapt. If you have a small business loan with the City, we understand the difficulties it has created for Tullahoma small business owners, and we want to remind you to contact the Finance Department if you need interim assistance with your loan payments.

Please call 455-2648 or email Finance Director, Sue Wilson, if you need assistance.

Tullahoma Police Department

If you have an emergency dial 911. The police department is fully staffed and operational.

The police department lobby is closed. In order to minimize exposure to the Coronavirus for the safety of the public and our staff, the Tullahoma Police Department is immediately suspending walk-in traffic for accident report request service. In order to receive your reports, please call 455-0530, 455-2648 or email City Recorder, Rosemary Golden, at rgodlen@tullahomatn.gov, and you can request that a copy of your report be e-mailed or mailed to your address.

Please provide the following information:

Name; e-mail; mailing address (if you want mailed USPS); phone number, date and time of incident.

The fee for this service has been temporarily suspended.

Please call the Tullahoma Police Department at 455-0530 or email Police Chief, Jason Williams, if you need assistance.

Tullahoma Fire Department

If you have an emergency, dial 911. The fire department is fully staffed and operational.

The lobbies at Fire Hall 1 and 2 are closed and visitors are not allowed.

Please call Fire Hall 1 at 455-0936 or email Fire Chief, Richard Shasteen, if you need assistance.

Tullahoma Public Works

Solid waste routes and brush pick up are running regular routes. Curbside recycling is still suspended. The lobby at Public Works is closed.

The recycling center is closed for drop off.

Please call 454-1768 or email the Director of Public Works, Butch Taylor, if you need assistance.

Tullahoma Animal Shelter

Animal Control Officers are still on call. Please call 454-9580 or email Animal Control Supervisor, Jeff Wilson, if you need assistance.

Planning and Codes

The Planning and Codes offices are closed, but the staff is still operating.

Please call 455-2282 or email the Director of Planning and Codes, Lee Lawson, if you need assistance.

Individuals can assist us in practicing everyday prevention measures, in compliance with the CDC recommendations for minimizing possible exposure to COVID-19:

·         Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If not available, use hand sanitizer.

·         Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.

·         Avoid contact with people who are sick.

·         Stay home while you are sick and avoid close contact with others.

·         Cover your mouth/nose with a tissue or sleeve when coughing or sneezing.

·         Clean commonly touched surfaces regularly.

·         Select a room in your house to utilize if you must self-quarantine and identify someone who can bring you supplies to avoid having to make trips.

·         Stay informed on the latest updates.

For the most up-to-date information on COVID-19 in Tennessee, please visit: www.tn.gov/health/cedep/ncov.html

Tullahoma Coronavirus Resources