City of Tullahoma Steps Up Measures to Reduce Exposure to COVID-19.
News March 16, 2020 Daniel Prince

Starting tomorrow, Tuesday, March 17th, the City of Tullahoma is closing all public walk-in services and lobbies. This includes access to the Recycling Center, Tullahoma Animal Shelter, Fire Halls and City Hall; with the exception of the Tullahoma Police Department’s lobby that will remain open.
Following similar precautions being taken across the state, these precautionary measures are being taken in order to limit potential exposure to COVID-19. All regularly scheduled meetings of City boards and committees have been postponed or cancelled through March 31st. All emergency services, garbage and recycling collection services will continue to operate fully and as regularly scheduled. City staff and most services will continue to be available by phone and many services are available online.
“The health and safety of our residents, visitors, and staff is of the highest importance at this time. We hope that this temporary restriction in our operations will prevent a more lengthy and significant reduction in operations at a future date” said City Administrator Jennifer Moody. The City continues to monitor updates from the CDC and state health officials and will adjust our response plans and operations based upon their advice.
The CDC and State of Tennessee health officials recommend social distancing, which is a term for taking precautions to reduce your contact with other individuals. The City is further supporting these recommendations by cancelling all non-essential meetings, trainings or conferences, sporting events, and any other activities where there are large gatherings.
“In keeping with recommendations made by the CDC and State of Tennessee health officials, I am urging individuals in our community, particularly those over age 60 and with chronic medical conditions, to limit their participation in gatherings of 50 or more”, Mayor Lane Curlee said. “While we have no confirmed cases in our County, by each of us taking reasonable, precautionary measures, we can limit our exposure to this new disease”
Recognizing the significant strain that this is creating for many industries, businesses, and community organizations in Tullahoma, Mayor Curlee asks residents to keep our local business community in mind and to “continue to support our local businesses by whatever means you are able, including purchasing gift cards and services online during this challenging time”.
For the most up-to-date information on COVID-19 in Tennessee, please visit: