Coffee County Lannom Memorial Library will be opening our library to the public on Monday, Oct. 5, 2020 under guidelines that will allow for... Coffee County Lannom Library to Open to the Public

Coffee County Lannom Memorial Library will be opening our library to the public on Monday, Oct. 5, 2020 under guidelines that will allow for the safety of public health. The following are guidelines set forth by the Coffee County Library Board.

1. All patrons who enter the building are required to wear a mask. If you do not wish to wear a mask, we will still offer curbside service. There will be a limit of 15 people at one time in the library. You will be limited to 30 minutes to make your selections and exit the building. Checkout and hold limits will be normal.

2. By appointment only, we will have 4 computers available for public use. Usage will be limited to unemployment applications, job searches, homework, emails, or any work and school-related activity. There will be a one-hour time limit that will be strictly enforced. After each patron is finished with the computer, the computers will be wiped/sprayed with disinfectant.

3. Patrons will be encouraged to pre order items by phone call, or Facebook, or email request for curbside pickup.

4. All Library materials should be returned in book drop. Each item will be quarantined before being shelved.

5. Wi-Fi will be available to access from your vehicle.

6. No meeting rooms will be available. There will be no on site programming. Restrooms will be closed. There will be no courier service between Coffee County libraries.

7. Limited hours as follows:
Senior Patrons (60 and over): 9AM-10AM M-F
All Patrons: 10AM-4PM M-F
All Patrons: 9AM-4PM Saturday See Less