Due to the delay in reporting from the Tennessee Department of Health yesterday, CCN will be reporting COVID-19 statistics for today, July 29th. As... COVID-19 Statistics in Coffee County: July 29, 2020.

Due to the delay in reporting from the Tennessee Department of Health yesterday, CCN will be reporting COVID-19 statistics for today, July 29th. As of today, Coffee County reports a total of 333 confirmed positive cases, 172 of which are known active cases. Coffee County reports a total of 161 recoveries, 0 deaths, and 7,631 negative tests.

The Tennessee Department of Health reports the case count for Tennessee is now 100,822 as of July 29, 2020 including 1,020 deaths, 4,482 hospitalizations and 62,129 recovered. For additional data, go to www.tn.gov/health/cedep/ncov.html.