In a new interactive site from the State of Tennessee, Tennessee’s Financial Stimulus Accountability Group is making information available about federal stimulus money distributed... State Stimulus Dashboard: Coffee County Received Over $80 Million in CARES Grants.

In a new interactive site from the State of Tennessee, Tennessee’s Financial Stimulus Accountability Group is making information available about federal stimulus money distributed in Tennessee. The site allows citizens of Tennessee to view county specific information about stimulus funds sent to Tennessee. The site tracks the allocation of $13.18 billion of federal COVID-19 emergency stimulus and relief funding statewide as of the current date, but will continue to incorporate additional allocations as information becomes available.

As of August 3rd, the last time the site was updated, Coffee County is reported to have received $80, 262, 982 in stimulus funds. The highest amounts allocated in Coffee County were dedicated to the Paycheck Protection Program ($14,750,000) and Unemployment Compensation ($42, 439,776.) “The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) is a loan designed to provide a direct incentive for businesses to keep their workers on the payroll and is administered by the United States Small Business Administration (SBA). The SBA released public data sets that show exact award amounts for loans under $150,000 and are reflected as such in the dashboard. For loans over $150,000 the SBA only released range amounts for public consumption, and the dashboard reflects the low-end total. As the federal government releases more exact information for the loans over $150,000 the dashboard will be updated,” according to the State.

School districts in Coffee County were awarded a total of just over $1.7 Million in Elementary and Secondary School Relief Funding. Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds, and Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds are awarded by the United States Department of Education formula and guidelines. Broken down by school district, schools received the following amount in funding:

  • Manchester City Schools: $296,116
  • Tullahoma City Schools: $606,228
  • Coffee County Schools: $807,018

Other various types of businesses in Coffee County received funding as well through the Paycheck Protection Program, and the Provider relief fund. According to the U.S. Department of Human Health and Services, the Provider Relief Fund “supports American families, workers, and the heroic healthcare providers in the battle against the COVID-19 outbreak.”

Business such as nail salons, barber, and beauty shops received an accumulative total of $105,000 through the Tennessee Business Relief Program. Business to receive funding from this program in Coffee County also include small businesses, museums, tobacco stores, full service restaurants, fitness centers, hotels, hobby and game stores, jewelers, clothing and sporting goods stores, and more. You can view a full breakdown of funding awarded in Coffee County by business or provider through the State Stimulus Fund Dashboard here.